舒特膚 Cetaphil daily facial moisturizer 泛紅,濕疹,皮炎,脂漏性皮炎,脂膉性皮炎, 止痕,痕癢



Cetaphil日常臉部保濕霜 SPF 40(1.7 盎司)適合易發紅的肌膚 舒特膚 Cetaphil daily facial moisturizer 泛紅,濕疹,皮炎,脂漏性皮炎,脂膉性皮炎, 止痕,痕癢 50ml CETAPHIL 緩解紅腫日常臉部保濕霜 SPF 40:這款中性色調保濕霜專為容易發紅的皮膚配製,可中和紅腫現象,均勻膚色,滋潤天然保護性皮膚屏障,使其舒緩和平衡 低過敏、無香料、不致粉刺:滋養肌膚,不會刺激皮膚或阻塞毛孔 舒緩肌膚:含有甘草萃取、尿囊素和咖啡因,旨在舒緩易發紅的肌膚 專為敏感肌膚設計:所有 CETAPHIL 產品均有效且無刺激性。 Daily Facial Moisturizer SPF 40 (1.7 oz) For Redness Prone Skin CETAPHIL REDNESS RELIEVING DAILY FACIAL MOISTURIZER SPF 40: Specially formulated for redness-prone skin, this neutral-tinted moisturizer neutralizes the appearance of redness, evens skin tone and hydrates the natural protective skin barrier, leaving it soothed and balanced HYPOALLERGENIC, FRAGRANCE FREE AND NONCOMEDOGENIC: Nourishes skin without irritating skin or clogging pores SKIN SOOTHING: Formulated with licorice extract, allantoin and caffeine, and is designed to soothe redness-prone skin DESIGNED FOR SENSITIVE SKIN: All CETAPHIL products are effective yet non-irritating.

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