散裝施樂輝疤痕敵 Smith&Nephew Cica Care 疤痕貼 12cm X 15cm

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HKD$210 一片, $590 三片!!散裝冇盒!! 散裝施樂輝疤痕敵 Smith&Nephew Cica Care 疤痕貼 12cm X 15cm 疤痕敵採用醫學矽膠製成, 有效消除新舊疤痕, 能撫平凸起的疤痕及淡化色素 *注意事項* 1) 切勿使用於未完全癒合的傷口 2) 如使用後皮膚有紅疹, 使用疤痕敵的時間應少於12小時, 如情況持續, 請停止使用及向醫生查詢 3) 存放於陰涼, 乾燥處, 放置於兒童無法接觸的地方 !! No Box !! !! No Packaging !! SMITH & NEPHEW Cica Care 12 x 15cm Cica Care meade from medical grade silicone. Clinically proven therapeutic and preventative properties for red and raised scars. Management of red, raised scar *Warnings* 1) Do not use on open or infected wounds 2) If rash observed, should reduce Cica Care therapy time to less than 12 hours. If the rashy persist, discontinue use and consult your doctor 3) Store in a cool, dry place, Keep out of reach of children
