OLAPLEX Lashbond Building Serum 4.5ml Olaplex eyelash 睫毛增長精華



HKD$350 OLAPLEX Lashbond Building Serum 4.5ml Olaplex 睫毛增長精華 2星期-修復脆弱睫毛 4星期-眼睫毛變得濃密 針對恢復睫毛的強度和水合作用,讓睫毛無論化妝還是素顏都顯得豐盈健康。 Olaplex Serum含有甘油和透明質酸鈉,還支持眼睛周圍的皮膚,鎖住水分,為生長提供理想的基礎。 使用說明: 將刷子沾取一次,然後沿著雙眼的上睫毛線塗抹在皮膚上 在使用其他眼部產品之前,讓其乾燥至少 90 秒 With OLAPLEX Lashbond Building Serum, your lashes will look longer and more lifted OLAPLEX Lashbuild Building Serum will give you thicker and denser lashes Your lashes will look healthy and hydrated from using OLAPLEX Lashbond Building Serum

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