Murad Retinal Resclupt Overnight Treatment 30ML Murad Retinal ReSculpt 夜間護理 恢復抗衰老精華液 30毫升 (Retinol A醇升級版)



hkd $720 Murad Retinal ReSculpt 夜間護理 恢復抗衰老精華液 30毫升(Retinol A醇升級版) 適用於細紋和皺紋 - 包覆維他命 A 護膚品 適用於撫平、緊緻和提拉臉部和頸部 Murad Retinal Resclupt Overnight Treatment 30ML The key ingredient is retinal which is enriched in Vitamin-A to help boost your skin’s cell production, increasing collagen levels to reduce the appearance of fine lines for a plumped finish.
