Kiehl's Hydro-Plumping Serum Concentrate 50ml科顏氏醫學高效保濕精華 50毫升



hkd$360 Kiehl's Hydro-Plumping Serum Concentrate 50ml 科顏氏醫學高效保濕精華 50毫升 高效保濕精華,有效改善粗糙暗啞膚質,令肌膚年輕飽滿 內含: ~15% 植物性甘油 甘油是一種高效及穩定的護膚成份,能持續吸收空氣中水份並滲透肌膚,提升肌膚保濕度、飽滿度及顯著改善肌膚乾紋細紋。 ~3效保濕因子 有效改善粗糙膚質及乾紋,促進肌膚透明質酸再生,令肌膚回復柔滑細緻、持久鎖水保濕及提升肌膚彈性。 Kiehl's Hydro-Plumping Serum Concentrate An efficacious skin plumping serum that hydrates to help skin maintain its bouncy appearance. With: ~15% Glycerin Glycerin, a well-known skincare ingredient, is highly compatible and naturally occurring within skin. Within our formulas, it is a powerful humectant known to attract and lock in moisture to the upper surface layer of the skin to help maintain a “filling effect” and visibly smooth dry, fine lines. ~Epidermal Hydration Filler Formula with Epidermal Hydration Filler encourages skin’s natural Hyaluronic Acid production help improve elasticity, fine lines and uneven skin texture, and visibly reduce signs of dehydration for a younger-looking plumped

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