CeraVe 適樂膚 Skin Renewing Nightly Exfoliating Treatment 50ml 煥膚夜間去角質精華 5%AHA 果酸



HKD $190 CeraVe 適樂膚 Skin Renewing Nightly Exfoliating Treatment 50ml 煥膚夜間去角質精華 5%AHA 果酸 CeraVe Skin Renewing Nightly Exfoliating Treatment,是一種 AHA 精華液,可溫和去除角質,幫助撫平細紋、加速皮膚表面細胞更新並清除死皮細胞。持續使用,肌膚看起來更健康和容光煥發,同時能達到皺紋、暗沉、黑斑和毛孔粗大等老化跡象減少。 CeraVe Skin Renewing Nightly Exfoliating Treatment is an AHA serum with a 5% blend of glycolic acid and lactic acid for gentle exfoliation to help smooth fine lines, accelerate skin's surface cell renewal and clear away dead skin cells. With continued use, skin looks healthier, radiance is improved, and signs of aging such as the appearance of wrinkles, dullness, dark spots and enlarged pores are reduced. 
