大size Timeless 10% Vitamin C + E Ferulic Acid Serum 120ml Timeless 時光永恆維他命C阿巍酸煥白複合精華



hkd $410 大size Timeless 10% Vitamin C + E Ferulic Acid Serum 120ml Timeless 時光永恆維他命C阿巍酸煥白複合精華 有助提亮及均勻膚色,刺激膠原蛋白再生,配方含維生素B5及透明質酸鈉,能保濕滋潤皮膚, 快速吸收不粘膩,Ferulic 進一步 有助提升抗氧化功效 ~提亮暗沉膚色 ~促進健康的細胞更新 ~幫助維護和防止不均勻膚色 10% Vitamin C + E Ferulic Acid Serum combines powerful antioxidants and hydrating ingredients to brighten dull skin and reduce the signs of aging. BENEFITS • Brightens dull complexions • Promotes healthy cell turnover • Helps maintain & prevent uneven skin texture & tone • Stimulates collagen production • Provides protection against environmental stressors & pollution
